The History of Barbershops and How They've Evolved

Barbershops have been a staple in society for centuries, serving as a place for men to not only get a haircut, but also to socialize and bond with other men in their community. But how did these establishments come to be, and how have they evolved over time? In this blog post, we will take a look at the history of barbershops and how they've changed throughout the years.

Ancient Barbershops

Barbershops have been around for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome. In these societies, barbers were considered to be skilled tradesmen, and were often called upon to shave and groom not only men, but also women and children. They used tools such as sharpened stones and bronze razors to give haircuts and shave beards. In ancient Egypt, barbers were also responsible for treating injuries to the head and neck, making them a vital part of the community.

Middle Ages and Renaissance

During the Middle Ages, barbershops were a common sight in towns and cities across Europe. They were often located near the town square or market, making them easily accessible to the community. Barbers during this time period were not only responsible for cutting hair and shaving beards, but also for performing surgical procedures such as bloodletting and tooth extraction. In the Renaissance, barbershops became even more prevalent and played a key role in the social scene of the cities. They were meeting points for the upper class and wealthy merchants, where they could exchange news and ideas while getting a haircut.

Barbershops in the 1800s and 1900s

As the 1800s progressed, barbershops began to take on a new form. They became more sophisticated and luxurious, with plush furnishings and elegant decor. Barbers during this time period were considered to be more of an artist than a tradesman, and were highly skilled in the latest hairstyles and grooming techniques. In the early 1900s, barbershops continued to evolve and became a place where men could relax and be pampered while getting a haircut. They were often equipped with amenities such as leather chairs and magazines, making them a popular destination for men of all ages.

Current Barbershops

Today, barbershops continue to be a popular destination for men looking for a great haircut and grooming services. They have come a long way from the ancient barbershops of Egypt and Rome, but still maintain the same sense of community and camaraderie that has always been at the heart of these establishments. With the rise of men's grooming and the focus on self-care, the future of barbershops looks bright. Many modern barbershops now offer a wide range of services such as hair styling, hot towel shaves, and even grooming products, making them a one-stop-shop for men's grooming needs.


The history of barbershops is a fascinating and varied one, spanning thousands of years and multiple civilizations. From ancient barbers who were skilled in both hair cutting and surgical procedures, to the sophisticated and luxurious establishments of the 1800s, barbershops have evolved to meet the changing needs of men throughout the years. Today, they continue to be a popular destination for men looking for a great haircut and grooming services, and with the rise of men's grooming, the future of barbershops looks bright. Understanding the history of these establishments gives us a deeper appreciation for the role they have played, and continue to play, in society.

The Ultimate Guide to Safety Razors: Understanding the Benefits and Finding the Best Ones on Amazon

Shaving is a routine that most men go through on a daily basis, but have you ever stopped to think about the type of razor you're using? Safety razors have been around for over a century and are making a comeback as more and more men are discovering the benefits they offer.

A safety razor is a type of manual razor that has a protective guard between the blade and the skin. The blade is held in place by a metal head, which is screwed onto the handle. The guard helps to prevent cuts and nicks while still providing a close shave. Safety razors have been around since the early 1900s and were originally designed to provide a safer and more efficient shaving experience.

One of the main benefits of using a safety razor is the cost savings. Safety razor blades are much cheaper than cartridges and can last for months. This can add up to significant savings over time. Safety razor blades are also more environmentally friendly as they can be recycled or disposed of properly.

Another benefit of using a safety razor is the closeness of the shave. Safety razors are designed to provide a closer, cleaner shave than other types of razors. This is because the blade is positioned at a specific angle that allows for a more precise shave.

Safety razors are also great for people with sensitive skin. The guard on the razor helps to prevent irritation and razor burn. Additionally, safety razors are less aggressive than cartridge razors, which can cause irritation and ingrown hairs.

When it comes to finding the best safety razors on Amazon, it can be overwhelming with the variety of options available. Here are some of the top-rated safety razors on Amazon:

  1. Merkur Classic 3-Piece Double Edge Safety Razor: This razor is made in Germany and has a durable chrome finish. It has a long handle for a comfortable grip and comes with a pack of Merkur blades.

  2. Edwin Jagger DE89LBL Lined Pattern DE Safety Razor: This razor is made in England and has a sleek design with a lined pattern. It's lightweight and easy to handle, making it perfect for beginners.

  3. Parker 99R Long Handle Safety Razor: This razor is made in India and has a long handle for a comfortable grip. It's a heavier razor, which makes it great for people with larger hands.

  4. Weishi Nostalgic Butterfly Safety Razor: This razor is made in China and has a butterfly open design for easy blade replacement. It's a great option for people who want a more vintage look.

  5. Vikings Blade The Chieftain Safety Razor: This razor is made in Australia and has a heavy, well-balanced design. It's a great option for people who want a more aggressive shave.

When it comes to using a safety razor, it's important to remember to use proper technique to avoid irritation and cuts. Start by using a shaving cream or soap to lubricate the skin and hair. Hold the razor at a 30-degree angle and use a light touch to avoid applying too much pressure. Always shave in the direction of hair growth and rinse the blade frequently.

In conclusion, safety razors offer many benefits, including cost savings, a closer shave, and less irritation. They are also more environmentally friendly. When it comes to finding the best safety razors on Amazon, the above mentioned options are some of the top-rated options available. Remember to use proper technique when shaving and always use a shaving cream or soap to lubricate the skin and hair.

Winter Skincare for Men: How to Tackle Dry Skin and Keep Your Complexion Looking Fresh

As the temperatures drop and the air gets dryer, it's not just our hands and lips that suffer from the harsh winter weather. Our skin can also take a beating, leaving us with a dull, flaky complexion. Men, in particular, may struggle with dry skin during the colder months as they often have oilier skin types, which can make them feel like they don't need to moisturize as much. But that's not the case!

Dry skin is caused by a lack of moisture in the outer layer of the skin, called the stratum corneum. This can be caused by a number of factors, including low humidity, harsh soaps and detergents, hot showers, and of course, cold weather. When our skin is dry, it can become itchy, red, and irritated, and can even lead to more serious skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis.

The good news is that there are a few simple steps men can take to combat dry skin during the winter months. These include:

  1. Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize!

The most important step in combating dry skin is to moisturize. This is true for all skin types, but it's especially important for men with oily skin. When our skin is dry, it can actually produce more oil to compensate, which can lead to breakouts. By moisturizing regularly, you'll be able to keep your skin hydrated and reduce the amount of oil your skin produces.

Look for a moisturizer that's specifically designed for men. These will often contain ingredients like glycerin, which is a natural humectant that helps to draw moisture into the skin. Avoid moisturizers that contain alcohol or other harsh chemicals, as these can actually dry out your skin even more.

  1. Take shorter, cooler showers

Hot water can strip the skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry and irritated. Instead, take shorter, cooler showers to help preserve your skin's natural moisture. Additionally, avoid using hot water when washing your face as it can dry out the skin.

  1. Use a Gentle Cleanser

Harsh soaps and detergents can strip the skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry and irritated. Look for a gentle cleanser that's free of harsh chemicals and fragrances. Avoid using bar soap, as it can be very drying. Instead, opt for a liquid cleanser that's specifically designed for men's skin.

  1. Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliating helps to remove dead skin cells that can build up on the surface of the skin, leaving it looking dull and dry. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells and leave your skin looking refreshed.

  1. Use Sunscreen

Even in the winter, it's important to protect your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 on any exposed skin, including your face, ears, and hands.

Here are a few products for men that are great for combating dry skin during the winter months:

  1. CeraVe Moisturizing Cream: This is a great choice for men with dry skin. It's formulated with ceramides, which are a type of fat that our skin naturally produces, to help repair and restore the skin's protective barrier.

  2. Neutrogena Men Triple Protect Face Lotion: This lotion is specifically designed for men and contains a sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun

  3. Brickell Men's Revitalizing Anti-Aging Cream: This cream is designed to not only moisturize but also fight against the signs of aging. It contains powerful antioxidants and natural ingredients such as aloe vera and green tea, which work together to hydrate, nourish, and protect the skin.

  4. Jack Black Face Buff Energizing Scrub: This gentle exfoliating scrub is designed for men and helps to remove dead skin cells while also invigorating the skin with its refreshing scent.

  5. Kiehl's Facial Fuel Energizing Moisture Treatment: This moisturizer is designed to give men an energizing boost while also hydrating the skin. It contains caffeine and vitamin E to help wake up tired skin and leave it looking refreshed.

  1. In conclusion, taking care of your skin during the winter months is crucial. By following these simple steps and using the right products, men can combat dry skin and keep their complexion looking fresh, even in the harsh winter weather. Remember to moisturize regularly, take shorter, cooler showers, use a gentle cleanser, exfoliate regularly, and use sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays.

15 Fascinating Facts About Hair: A Guide for Men's Hair Care and Grooming

Hair is an important aspect of human appearance, and men often pay particular attention to their hair, whether it be through regular haircuts, styling, or grooming products. But did you know that there are some interesting facts about hair that every man should know?

  1. Hair is the fastest-growing tissue in the human body. On average, hair can grow about half an inch per month, or six inches per year. This means that if you're not careful, your hair can quickly become unruly and unkempt. Regular haircuts and trims can help keep your hair looking neat and tidy.

  2. Hair is made up of a protein called keratin. This protein is also found in nails and the outer layer of skin. So if you're looking to keep your hair and nails strong and healthy, make sure to consume enough protein in your diet. You can get protein from a variety of sources such as lean meat, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts. Consuming a balanced diet that includes these foods can help keep your hair and nails healthy and strong.

  3. Hair color is determined by the amount of melanin, a pigment produced by cells called melanocytes, present in the hair shaft. Melanin is responsible for giving hair its color, with different types of melanin resulting in different hair colors. Eumelanin gives hair its brown or black color, while pheomelanin gives hair its red or blonde color. As we age, the production of melanin decreases which results in gray hair.

  4. Men typically have thicker hair than women. Men's hair is also more densely packed on the scalp, which can make it appear fuller and more voluminous. This is due to the presence of higher levels of androgens, such as testosterone, in men's bodies. Androgens are responsible for stimulating hair growth, and they also cause the hair follicles to produce thicker and coarser hair.

  5. Hair can be used as a marker of overall health. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, hormone imbalances, and certain medical conditions. If you're experiencing hair loss, it may be a good idea to talk to your doctor or a dermatologist to rule out any underlying health issues. For example, anemia caused by iron deficiency can lead to hair loss, as well as autoimmune disorders such as alopecia.

  6. Hair texture can vary greatly from person to person. The texture of your hair is determined by the shape of the hair strand and the amount of curl present. Hair texture can range from straight to curly, and can even vary within the same head of hair. Understanding your hair texture can help you choose the right styling products and techniques to achieve your desired look.

  7. Hair can be damaged by heat styling. Heat styling tools such as flat irons, curling irons, and hair dryers can cause damage to the hair by breaking down the protein structure of the hair. To minimize heat damage, it's important to use heat protectant products before styling and to avoid using hot tools on a daily basis.

  8. Hair is not alive. Although hair may appear to be alive, it is actually made up of dead cells that are pushed up through the skin. The hair strand itself is made up of three layers: the medulla, the cortex, and the cuticle. The medulla is the innermost layer and contains the pigment that gives hair its color. The cortex is the middle layer and contains the structural protein keratin. The cuticle is the outermost layer and protects the hair from damage.

  9. It's normal to lose hair. On average, we lose about 50 - 100 hair strands per day, which is considered normal hair loss. However, excessive hair loss can be a sign of a underlying health condition or nutritional deficiency. It's important to pay attention to changes in the amount of hair you're losing, and to speak with a healthcare professional if you notice a significant increase in hair loss.

  10. Not all hair loss is permanent. Some types of hair loss, such as telogen effluvium, are temporary and caused by factors such as stress, hormonal changes, or certain medications. With telogen effluvium, hair goes into a resting phase and then falls out, but new hair will eventually grow in its place.

  11. Hair can change color naturally. Just like how our skin tans when exposed to the sun, hair can also change color due to UV exposure. This process is called solar hair bleaching, and it can cause hair to lighten or turn a reddish-brown color.

  12. Hair care products can also affect hair color. Certain hair care products, such as shampoos and conditioners, can contain ingredients that can cause hair to lighten or darken over time. For example, the ingredient sodium chloride, which is found in many shampoos, can cause blonde hair to become brassy over time.

  13. Hair can be affected by genetics. The thickness, texture, and color of our hair are all determined by our genetics. If you have a family history of thinning hair or baldness, there's a higher chance that you may also experience hair loss.

  14. Hair can also be affected by environmental factors. Exposure to pollutants, toxins, and harsh chemicals can all cause damage to the hair, making it dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. It's important to protect your hair from environmental damage by using a hat or scarf when you're outside, and by using hair care products that are free of harsh chemicals.

  15. Hair care routines can vary depending on hair type. Different hair types require different hair care routines to keep them looking healthy and shiny. For example, curly hair may require more moisture, while oily hair may require more frequent washing. It's important to understand your hair type and to tailor your hair care routine accordingly.

In conclusion, hair is not just an aesthetic aspect of our appearance, but it can also be an indicator of our overall health. Understanding the facts about hair can help men make better decisions about their hair care and grooming habits, and maintain healthy and stylish hair. From understanding the composition of hair, how it grows, how our diet and genetics affects it, to hair loss and environmental factors, a deeper understanding of hair can lead to a more satisfying grooming experience and overall better hair health.

Hiring Barbers & Hair Stylists In Jacksonville, Florida

If you're looking for a professional and rewarding work environment, House of Shaves Barber Shop is an excellent place to consider. With a steady stream of new clients, a 4-day workweek, and a wide range of benefits, this barbershop offers everything you need to build a successful career.

One of the key benefits of working at House of Shaves is the professional work environment. The shop is dedicated to providing high-quality services to customers, and the team is comprised of skilled and experienced barbers. This creates a positive atmosphere that is conducive to learning and growth, and it also means that you'll be working alongside some of the best in the business.

When you join the team at House of Shaves, you'll be working in a clean and well-maintained shop that is designed to provide a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere for both customers and employees. The barbershop has a modern and stylish decor, and all of the equipment and tools you'll need to provide high-quality services are provided. This means that you can focus on providing the best possible service to customers, rather than worrying about equipment or supplies.

Another major benefit is the volume of new clients that come through the door every month. The shop currently gets over 300 new clients per month and still growing, providing ample opportunity to build a client base and increase your earning potential. With such a large number of new clients, you can be sure that you'll be busy, but never stressed out.

Weekly pay and 4-day workweek make it possible for you to plan your finances and personal life better. Knowing that you have the same days off each week means you'll have time to pursue your interests and spend time with your family, and with closed on Sunday and most major holidays, you'll have the time to really relax and recharge.

Additionally, the barbershop offers a wide range of benefits that can help you grow and succeed. The shop has an early tips payout program which is great way to supplement your income, and with the potential to earn $32 to $42 per hour in total compensation, you'll be well-compensated for your hard work. The shop also offers health care and dental benefits, paid time off, a 401(k) retirement plan with company match and Free Barber Supplies, Paid Education and Training Programs, and an employee discount on products.

The barbershop is dedicated to providing ongoing training and education for all of its employees. This can include both in-house training and educational opportunities outside of the shop, such as attending industry conferences or workshops. This investment in the ongoing development of their team means that you'll be able to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques in the barbering industry, and continue to provide the best possible service to customers.

If you're looking to take your career to the next level, House of Shaves Barber Shop offers unlimited opportunities for growth. This can include taking on more responsibilities within the shop, or even working your way up to management or ownership positions. The shop's owner is dedicated to developing and mentoring his team, and he is always willing to help employees achieve their goals.

Working at House of Shaves Barber Shop also offers the opportunity to be a part of a close-knit team, you'll be working with a group of friendly and supportive colleagues who are dedicated to helping each other succeed. From the experienced barbers to the front-desk staff, everyone works together to create a welcoming and enjoyable environment for customers. The team members are encouraged to share ideas, ask questions, and collaborate on projects, which fosters a culture of learning and growth.

In conclusion, House of Shaves Barber Shop is an outstanding place to work if you're a skilled and ambitious barber. With its professional work environment, steady stream of new clients, 4-day workweek, and wide range of benefits, this barbershop is an excellent choice for anyone looking to build a successful career in the barbering industry.

If this sounds like the right opportunity for you, we invite you to apply online at to become a part of our team. The application process is simple and straightforward and we look forward to hearing from you! Join us and be part of the growing team of talented barbers at House of Shaves Barber Shop and help shape the future of barbering industry.

The Grooming Tools That Every Man Needs

When it comes to personal grooming, having the right tools is just as important as having the right techniques. Whether you prefer to visit a barbershop or salon, or prefer to take care of your grooming needs at home, having a well-stocked grooming kit is essential. But with so many options available, it can be tough to know which tools are worth investing in. Here are some of the best grooming tools for men:

  1. Clippers - Clippers are a must-have for anyone who prefers a short haircut or beard. They allow you to easily and accurately cut and trim your hair and beard to the desired length. Look for a clipper with adjustable guards and a powerful motor for the best results. Clippers are a great option for maintaining a buzz cut or other short hairstyle, as they can easily cut through thick or coarse hair. They are also a cost-effective option, as they can save you money on frequent barbershop visits.

  2. Scissors - Scissors are essential for anyone with longer hair or a beard. They allow you to make precise cuts and shape your hair and beard to your liking. Look for a pair of scissors with sharp, durable blades and a comfortable grip. Scissors are a great option for adding texture and shape to your hair and beard, and can help you achieve a more natural, lived-in look.

  3. Razor - Whether you prefer a traditional wet shave or a modern electric razor, having a good quality razor is essential for a smooth, close shave. Look for a razor with multiple blades and a flexible head for the best results. A good razor can help reduce irritation and nicks, and can give you a closer, more comfortable shave.

  4. Nail clipper - Keeping your nails trimmed and clean is an important aspect of personal grooming. A good quality nail clipper will allow you to easily and accurately trim your nails to the desired length. Look for a clipper with a sharp blade and a comfortable grip. It's a good idea to have a separate pair of clippers for your toenails, as they tend to be thicker and harder than your fingernails.

  5. Tweezers - Tweezers are a handy tool to have for grooming your eyebrows and removing unwanted facial hair. Look for a pair with a precise, slanted tip and a comfortable grip. Tweezers are a great option for removing stray hairs and shaping your eyebrows, and can help you achieve a more polished, groomed appearance.

  6. Comb - A comb is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of grooming tasks, including combing and styling your hair and beard. Look for a comb with wide and narrow teeth for the best results. A comb can help you detangle your hair and evenly distribute products like pomade or beard oil. It's a good idea to have a few different combs on hand, as different teeth widths can be useful for different hair types and styles.

  7. Mirror - A mirror is an essential tool for any grooming routine. Look for a mirror with a magnifying option to help you see fine details more clearly. A mirror can help you see areas that may be hard to see otherwise, and can be especially helpful for tasks like tweezing or shaping your eyebrows. It's a good idea to have a few different mirrors on hand, including a larger one for full body grooming and a smaller one for tasks like tweezing and shaving.

By investing in these grooming tools, you'll be well-equipped to take care of your grooming needs at home or on the go. Don't neglect your personal grooming – the right tools can make all the difference.

DIY Grooming: How to Groom at Home

While visiting a barbershop or salon can be a relaxing and enjoyable experience, it's not always possible or convenient to make an appointment. Maybe you're short on time, or perhaps you prefer the convenience of taking care of your grooming needs at home. Whatever the reason, DIY grooming is a useful skill to have. With a little bit of knowledge and the right tools, you can take care of your grooming needs without leaving the house.

Here are some tips for DIY grooming:

  1. Invest in good quality tools - This is perhaps the most important step in successful DIY grooming. You don't want to skimp on tools, as using poor quality equipment can result in a less than satisfactory outcome. This includes items like scissors, clippers, and razors. Look for tools that are designed specifically for the task at hand, and be sure to clean and maintain them regularly to ensure they are in good working condition.

  2. Educate yourself - There are plenty of resources available to help you learn how to groom yourself at home, including instructional videos and online tutorials. Take the time to learn the proper techniques and safety precautions to ensure a successful grooming session. Don't be afraid to experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you.

  3. Start small - If you're new to DIY grooming, it's best to start with something simple, like trimming your own eyebrows or giving yourself a manicure. Once you feel comfortable with these tasks, you can move on to more complex grooming routines. It's important to take things slow and not bite off more than you can chew. Rushing through a grooming routine can lead to mistakes, which can be frustrating and costly to fix.

  4. Don't be afraid to ask for help - If you're unsure about something, don't be afraid to ask a friend or family member for assistance, or to seek advice from a professional. It's better to ask for help than to risk an injury or unsatisfactory result. Many barbers and hairstylists are happy to provide guidance, even if you're not getting a full haircut or grooming service from them.

So, what are some specific grooming tasks that you can do at home? Here are a few ideas:

  • Haircuts and trims: With the right tools and some practice, you can cut and style your own hair at home. Clippers are great for buzz cuts and other short hairstyles, while scissors are better for longer hair. Just be sure to use caution when using sharp tools near your face and neck.

  • Beard maintenance: Trimming and shaping your beard is another task that can easily be done at home. Clippers and trimmers are great for maintaining a neat and tidy beard, while scissors can be used for precise shaping and styling. Just be sure to use a mirror and take your time to get the desired result.

  • Shaving: Shaving at home can be a relaxing and cost-effective alternative to going to a barbershop. Be sure to use a good quality razor and shaving cream or gel to get the best results. You may also want to invest in an aftershave balm or moisturizer to soothe your skin after shaving.

  • Manicures and pedicures: Keeping your nails trimmed and clean is an important aspect of personal grooming. With a little bit of practice, you can give yourself a professional-quality manicure or pedicure at home. All you need is a nail clipper, file, and some polish (if desired).

DIY grooming can save you time and money, and can even be a relaxing and enjoyable activity. With a little bit of practice

The Benefits of a Regular Haircut

Maintaining healthy hair and personal grooming habits is important for everyone, and one of the easiest ways to do so is by getting a regular haircut. In addition to making you look and feel your best, there are several other benefits to scheduling regular haircuts.

  1. Healthy hair growth - Getting a haircut removes split ends and damaged hair, which can help hair grow healthier and stronger. When hair is damaged, it can become brittle and break easily, leading to split ends and stunted hair growth. By regularly trimming off these damaged ends, your hair is able to continue growing without any hindrances.

  2. Improved appearance - A fresh haircut can make a big difference in your overall appearance, and can help you feel more confident and put-together. Whether you're trying to make a good impression at work, on a date, or just want to feel good about yourself, a haircut can help you achieve the look you desire.

  3. Easier styling - Regular haircuts can make it easier to style your hair in the way you want, as split ends and damaged hair can be more difficult to work with. When your hair is healthy and trimmed, it is much easier to style and maintain, giving you more versatility with your hair.

  4. Professional styling - A barber or hairstylist can provide expert styling advice and techniques that you may not be able to achieve at home. They can help you achieve a specific look or show you how to style your hair in a certain way. Plus, they have access to professional-grade products and tools that can help give you the best results.

So, how often should you get a haircut? It can vary depending on your hair type and personal grooming habits, but a good rule of thumb is to get a haircut every 4-6 weeks. This will help maintain healthy hair growth and keep your hair looking its best. Of course, if you prefer a longer or shorter hairstyle, you may need to adjust this timeline accordingly.

Don't neglect your hair and personal grooming – schedule a regular haircut and experience the benefits for yourself. Not only will you look and feel great, but you'll also be taking care of your hair's health in the process.

Here’s What’s New At House Of Shaves Barbershop In January 2023

Barbershop Near Me

Here’s What’s New At House Of Shaves Barbershop In January 2023

New YouTube Videos

Hours Changes

Riverside is now open 6 days a week! Southside and Riverside now have the same hours. Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM and Saturday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. 

New Offerings

We have two exciting new membership options. A 6-month membership option and a 12-month option. 

Some of the benefits of membership are:

  1. Save money on products and services

  2. Members don’t need to pay a deposit when booking online

  3. Share your membership benefits with others

  4. Lock in your pricing for up to 12 months

New Products

Tired of shaving with a razor? We have some professional-grade electric shavers available for purchase to maintain your look in-between visits. 

StyleCraft Prodigy Cordless Hypoallergenic Gold Foil Shaver with Cap, Matte Metallic Red

Beards are cool, but they're not for everyone. Some men prefer a clean, shaven look not just for its appeal but also because it eliminates many of the hassles of growing and maintaining a beard like dry skin, itchiness, and the dreaded "beard-druff". But with all the shaving tools available, which one should you opt to use? Well, we've got just the thing for you. It's a well-built machine that is bound to earn the top spot in your grooming tools list after your very first use. Enjoy a closer shave without the nicks and cuts with the Stylecraft Uno Single Foil Shaver!

Our single foil shaver comes with a forged blade which provides more cutting power, and a crunchy blade that is perfect for guided cutting. With these two blades at your disposal, it will be much easier for you to achieve a closer and more precise shave every time. Our electric shaver also sports a gold-titanium foil that covers that blades and protects your skin from being in direct contact with the sharp blades. It's also hypoallergenic, making it a wonderful option for men with sensitive skin. This is a powerful foil shaver with a sleek design. Considering aesthetics and functionality, this device is a thoughtful and practical gift that sons, brothers, dads, granddads, and male friends, and colleagues will surely appreciate.

Here are more details about our foil shaver to help you decide:

  • Turbocharged motor runs at 9,000 rpm with high torque to eliminate drag

  • Ultra-thin hypoallergenic gold titanium foils for zero finishes are ideal even for the most sensitive skin

  • Lithium-ion battery delivers twice the standard runtime with 120 minutes of cordless operation per charge

  • Multi-function universal USB cord for charging

  • Lightweight, ergonomic, sleek design that weighs only 3.2 ounces

  • Pocket size micro dimensions with protective cap and velvet bag are perfect for storage and travel

  • Engineered and designed in the USA

  • Includes: foil shaver, forged cutter, crunchy cutter, USB charger, adapter, velvet carrying travel case and protective cap

Other Changes

  1. We’re now only accepting credit & debit cards and contactless payments for services and products. Clients may still tip their barbers in cash if they wish. We will not have any cash on-site for change.

What's The Difference Between A Barber And A Hair Stylist?

When it comes to getting a haircut or other grooming services, men have a choice between hair stylists and barbers. While both types of professionals can offer similar services, there are some key differences that make barbers a better choice for many men.

One of the main differences between hair stylists and barbers is the focus of their services. Hair stylists generally cater to both men and women, offering a wide range of services such as haircuts, coloring, styling, and more. Barbers, on the other hand, focus specifically on men's grooming, with services such as haircuts, shaves, and beard trims.

Another difference is the level of training and expertise of the two types of professionals. Barbers are required to have a specific license and undergo extensive training in men's grooming techniques, including haircutting, styling, and facial hair care. This can be especially important for men who want a precise, high-quality haircut or shave.

One of the biggest advantages of barbers is their familiarity with different types of men's hair and facial hair. Many barbers have years of experience working with a wide range of men's hair textures and styles, and can offer personalized recommendations and advice.

In summary, barbers offer a more specialized and expert approach to men's grooming compared to hair stylists. If you're a man looking for top-quality grooming services, a barber may be the way to go.

Barbershop vs Salons, What's The Difference?

When it comes to getting a haircut or other grooming services, men have a choice between salons and barbershops. While both types of establishments can offer similar services, there are some key differences that make barbershops a better choice for many men.

One of the main differences between salons and barbershops is the focus of their services. Salons generally cater to both men and women, offering a wide range of services such as haircuts, coloring, styling, and more. Barbershops, on the other hand, focus specifically on men's grooming, with services such as haircuts, shaves, and beard trims.

Another difference is the atmosphere of the two types of establishments. Salons tend to have a more upscale, feminine atmosphere, while barbershops often have a more laid-back, masculine vibe. This can be especially appealing to men who may not feel comfortable in a salon setting.

One of the biggest advantages of barbershops is the level of expertise of the stylists. Barbers are specifically trained in men's grooming techniques, and many have years of experience working with different types of men's hair and facial hair. This can be especially important for men who want a precise, high-quality haircut or shave.

In summary, barbershops offer a more focused and specialized approach to men's grooming, with a laid-back atmosphere and skilled stylists. If you're a man looking for top-quality grooming services, a barbershop may be the way to go.

Men's Haircuts In Jacksonville, FL

Looking for the best men's haircuts in Jacksonville? Look no further than House of Shaves Barbershop!

Located in the heart of Jacksonville, House of Shaves is the premier destination for men's grooming and styling. Our team of skilled barbers are dedicated to providing the highest quality cuts and shaves in a relaxing and comfortable environment.

Whether you want a classic haircut or a modern, trendy style, our team has the expertise and experience to deliver exactly what you're looking for. We offer a wide range of services, including haircuts, hot towel shaves, beard trims, and more.

But what really sets House of Shaves apart is our commitment to customer satisfaction. We go above and beyond to ensure that every visit to our shop is enjoyable and memorable. We take the time to listen to your needs and preferences, and we work with you to achieve the look you want.

So if you're in the Jacksonville area and in need of a great barbershop, don't hesitate to visit House of Shaves. We're confident that you'll love the experience and the results. Come see us today and discover why we're the best barbershop in Jacksonville for men's haircuts!

Barbers Near Me In Jacksonville

Looking for top-notch barbers near you in Jacksonville, Florida? Look no further than House of Shaves!

Located in the heart of Jacksonville, House of Shaves is the premier destination for men's grooming and styling. Our team of skilled barbers are dedicated to providing the highest quality cuts and shaves in a relaxing and comfortable environment.

Whether you want a classic haircut or a modern, trendy style, our team has the expertise and experience to deliver exactly what you're looking for. We offer a wide range of services, including haircuts, hot towel shaves, beard trims, and more.

In addition to our top-notch grooming services, House of Shaves is also known for our friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Our team is dedicated to making every visit to our shop an enjoyable and memorable experience.

So if you're in the Jacksonville area and in need of a great barbershop, look no further than House of Shaves. We're the go-to destination for barbers near you in Jacksonville, and we can't wait to see you at our shop!

Best Electric Shaver For Men

Best Electric Shaver For Men Under $100

Are you in the market for a high-quality, budget-friendly electric shaver? If so, you should consider the Andis Profoil Lithium Plus Shaver. Here's why it's the best electric shaver for men under $100:

  1. High-quality blades: The Andis Profoil Lithium Plus Shaver is equipped with high-quality blades that are designed to provide a close, comfortable shave. The blades are made of hypoallergenic foil, which means they are gentle on sensitive skin and reduce the risk of irritation.

  2. Lithium-ion battery: Another great feature of the Andis Profoil Lithium Plus Shaver is its lithium-ion battery. This battery provides a long-lasting charge, so you can use the shaver for extended periods of time without having to worry about the battery running out.

  3. Cordless convenience: The Andis Profoil Lithium Plus Shaver is cordless, which means you can use it anywhere and at any time. Whether you're at home or on the go, you'll be able to get a quick, convenient shave without having to worry about finding an outlet or getting tangled up in cords.

  4. Multiple trimming lengths: The Andis Profoil Lithium Plus Shaver is also equipped with adjustable trimming lengths, which means you can customize your shave to suit your needs. Whether you want a close, smooth shave or a more natural look, you'll be able to achieve the perfect length with this shaver.

  5. Easy to clean: The Andis Profoil Lithium Plus Shaver is very easy to clean and maintain. It has a detachable head that can be easily rinsed under water, and the blades can be easily cleaned with a brush. This makes it easy to keep the shaver in top condition.

In conclusion, the Andis Profoil Lithium Plus Shaver is the best electric shaver for men under $100. With high-quality blades, a long-lasting lithium-ion battery, cordless convenience, adjustable trimming lengths, and easy cleaning, it's a budget-friendly shaver that delivers professional-grade results.

Best Trimmers For Men

Best Beard Trimmers For Men for under $100

Are you looking for a high-quality, professional-grade trimmer to help you keep your beard or hair in check? If so, you should consider the Andis Slimline Pro Li trimmers. Here are just a few reasons why these trimmers are the best choice for men:

  1. Precision cutting: The Andis Slimline Pro Li trimmers are designed with a high-quality, ultra-fine T-blade that allows you to achieve precise, clean cuts every time. Whether you're trimming your beard or shaping your hair, these trimmers will help you get the exact look you want.

  2. Cordless convenience: One of the biggest benefits of the Andis Slimline Pro Li trimmers is that they are cordless. This means you can take them with you wherever you go and use them at any time, without having to worry about finding an outlet or getting tangled up in cords.

  3. Long battery life: The Andis Slimline Pro Li trimmers are equipped with a lithium-ion battery that provides a long-lasting charge. This means you can use the trimmers for extended periods of time without having to worry about the battery running out.

  4. Adjustable blade: Another great feature of the Andis Slimline Pro Li trimmers is that they have an adjustable blade. This means you can set the blade to the exact length you want, which is ideal for achieving precise trimming and shaping.

  5. Easy to clean: The Andis Slimline Pro Li trimmers are also very easy to clean. They have a removable blade that can be easily cleaned with a blade brush or rinse under water. This makes it easy to maintain the trimmers and keep them in top condition.

In conclusion, the Andis Slimline Pro Li trimmers are the best choice for men who want a high-quality, professional-grade trimmer that is precise, convenient, and easy to clean. Whether you're a professional barber or just looking for a reliable trimmer for personal use, the Andis Slimline Pro Li trimmers are sure to meet your needs.

Best Barbershop In Jacksonville

House of Shaves Barbershop in Jacksonville, Florida

Looking for the best barbershop in Jacksonville? Look no further than House of Shaves Barbershop! Here are just a few reasons why House of Shaves is the best choice for all of your grooming needs:

  1. Expert barbers: The team at House of Shaves is made up of experienced, highly skilled barbers who are committed to providing the best possible service to their clients. Whether you're looking for a classic haircut or a modern style, the barbers at House of Shaves have the knowledge and skills to deliver the perfect look for you.

  2. Wide range of services: In addition to traditional haircuts, House of Shaves also offers a wide range of grooming services, including beard trims, hot towel shaves, and scalp treatments. No matter what you're looking for, House of Shaves has you covered.

  3. Modern, comfortable atmosphere: The barbers at House of Shaves are committed to creating a modern, comfortable atmosphere where their clients can relax and enjoy their grooming experience. From the comfortable chairs to the trendy decor, everything at House of Shaves is designed to make you feel at home.

  4. Affordable prices: One of the best things about House of Shaves is that they offer affordable prices on all of their services. Whether you're looking for a quick trim or a full grooming package, you'll find that House of Shaves offers great value for your money.

  5. Convenient location: House of Shaves is conveniently located in the heart of Jacksonville, making it easy for you to get to from anywhere in the city. Whether you're coming from work or running errands, you'll find it easy to stop by for a quick trim or a relaxing grooming experience.

In conclusion, House of Shaves Barbershop is the best choice for all of your grooming needs in Jacksonville. With expert barbers, a wide range of services, a modern and comfortable atmosphere, affordable prices, and a convenient location, it's no wonder that House of Shaves is the go-to barbershop for so many men in the city.

What’s New In December 2022

Jacksonville’s Best Barbershop

What’s New In December 2022


  • Rebook your next appointment in-store or purchase any product and you’ll be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a smart TV. Just book your next appointment in-store during checkout. You’ll be entered once for every appointment booked and product purchased. The winner will be announced in January. 

New Products

  • GIBS Tea tree hair & body moisturizer 12 oz

  • GIBS Tea Tree Hair & Body Hydrator Liter

  • GIBS Tea Tree Hair & Body Hydrator Travel Tube 3.25oz

  • GIBS Conman Hair & Beard Pudding Travel Tube 3.25oz 

  • GIBS El Rey Styling Jam Travel Tube 3.25oz

  • GIBS Tea Tree Shampoo Travel Tube 3.25oz

  • GIBS Tea Tree Conditioner Travel Tube 3.25oz

New YouTube Videos

Tour Of Our House of Shaves Barbershop Southside Location

New Staff

We’ve added some great experienced barbers to our team at both locations:


  1. Megan - Receptionist


  1. Kate - Barber

Holiday Hours

  • December

    • Closed from Christmas Eve (12/24) - New Year’s Day (1/1)

      • We’ll reopen on Monday, January 2nd, 2023

Christmas Gift Ideas For Men

What’s Coming Soon

  • In January 2023, House of Shaves Barbershop will be going Cashless. We will only accept credit and debit cards, and contactless payments for services. For the safety of our team, we will not accept any cash for service or product purchases or keep any cash on the premises. Clients will still be able to tip their barber in cash.

  • In January 2023, we will be making our annual price adjustment. We have some exciting plans to make our business even better for you next year. We’ll be offering new services, hiring more team members, and hoping to give our staff some well-deserved raises. You can lock in our current pricing for up to 1 year by signing up for a membership today

What’s New In November 2022

Best Barbershop In Jacksonville

What’s New In November 2022

Booking System Changes

  • What is an “Apprentice”? An apprentice is a barber that is new to our business. Every barber that starts with us, regardless of experience, goes through training until they meet our standards. Apprentice barbers are not always barbers that are new to the industry, just new to us. The length of training varies but every barber goes through a minimum of 2-3 weeks of training before they are not considered an Apprentice anymore. Apprentice barbers are given more time and charge less than our normal pricing.

  • We put “Apprentice - Half Price” next to each barber apprentice’s name to better communicate to client’s that this barber is in training

  • We set up our system to show individual pricing next to each barber’s name to show that apprentice pricing is half of the normal price

  • We removed the “any available” option from the online booking process so that clients have to select a barber from now on to better communicate that this barber is new to us

  • Apprentice barbers are now listed under Classic and Premium services to simplify the booking process

  • We’ve eliminated cancellation & no-show fees. From now on, clients will be asked to make a deposit when booking online. If clients cancel or no-show, the deposit will be applied on their next visit.

    • Clients with memberships do not have to make a deposit

    • Clients that rebook their next appointment in-store will not have to make a deposit

    • Clients with gift cards can make a deposit with their gift card

New Services

  • We are testing doing barbering services for FREE in exchange for recording the videos for content to post on our YouTube channel, these services are not available to book online YET, but that’s coming soon ;)

  • Clients on our model call list will be the first to get an opportunity to get free or half-priced services for training or YouTube videos.

  • If you’d like to participate in this testing, apply to be a model here.

What’s Coming Soon

  • More alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink options for clients

  • In January 2023, House of Shaves Barbershop will be going Cashless. We will only accept credit and debit cards, and contactless payments for services. For the safety of our team, we will not accept any cash for service or product purchases or keep any cash on the premises. Clients will still be able to tip their barber in cash. We’ll also be making our annual price adjustment to our services. Lock in your pricing for up to 12 months by signing up for one of our Membership Options.

New YouTube Videos

New Staff

  • Our team has grown! Kate has joined our Riverside team

  • We hired Megan as a receptionist, to join our team at Southside to help make your client experience even better

New Products

  • We now carry Styling Powder from L3V3L3 

    • NATURAL LOOK - Our hair powder for men gives you that desired natural look while providing you with volume and texture.

    • NO OILY OR GREASY RESIDUE - We formulated the hair styling powder men with ingredients that doesn't leave any residue around.

    • EASY TO APPLY - Our hair powder men styling is very easy to apply and use, simply sprinkle the powder and spread it through your hair.

    • DELIVERS MATTE FINISH - The texture powder for men gives you the styling and volume while also delivering a clean matte finish.

    • ADDS VOLUME AND TEXTURE - Use our powder for hair to give you the volume and texture you seek while styling!

Promotions This Month

  • This month only, get 1 FREE Classic Service or 50% off any Premium service when you spend $50 or more on products. New and existing clients qualify. This offer will expire at the end of November 2022. 

Holiday Hours

  • November

    • Closed Thanksgiving and Black Friday

      • We’ll reopen on Saturday, November 26th

      • Both locations will be open on Monday the 21st & Tuesday the 22nd

  • December

    • Closed from Christmas Eve (12/24) - New Year’s Day (1/1)

      • We’ll reopen on Monday, January 2nd, 2023

How To Get The Best Haircut At The Barbershop

Know what you want before you go to the barbershop. Know which styles are best for your face shape and hair texture. Do research on the style you want by finding pictures of haircuts you like that have similar hair texture. You’re going to be walking around with this style for weeks/months take some time to do the research beforehand.

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How To Find A Good Barber, 3 Things To Look For

Find a portfolio of their work on Facebook, Instagram or other social media platforms. A lot of barbers will advertise their work on these platforms. Look for pictures of styles that are similar to what you’re looking for. You’ll also want a barber that is experienced with your texture of hair. Look for a portfolio that shows haircuts on the same texture of hair that you have.

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